Saturday, October 12, 2013

New Class New PRABE blog - The White Queen

Well, here we go again! Now that I am taking four classes my homework load has increased dramatically. My time to read has also gone down but I guess I need to start up again I guess.  They are showing a mini series called The White Queen. I had heard that they were making a series based on the books, The White Queen, The Red Queen and the Kingmakers Daughter. I have always been obsessed with any book from English history based on the kings and queens. So before the mini series got released I wanted to read the book. My mom had the book, The White queen so I started it this week. The problem is that I didn't want to do anything but read this book. Basically, this is the story about the kings and queens before the Tutor's. Elizabeth Woodville is a Lancaster and after Edward of York defeats the current King Henry VI he comes upon Elizabeth on the side of the street.  Elizabeth not only succeeds in getting Edward to return her lands to her, but also causes Edward to fall in love with her. A Lancaster woman and a York king. Elizabeth swears that she is too virtuous to be Edwards mistress and so, since he decides that he must have her, he marries Elizabeth in a secret ceremony.

I can't wait to continue this story to find out what happens after this secret marriage.

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