Sunday, October 20, 2013

No To White Queen - Yes to Divergent

So I made a huge mistake and started watching the Starz version of the White Queen and now I can't seem to get back into the book. Normally, I like to read the book before I watch the movies. I was recording all the episodes but I couldn't hold out.
I have been hearing all about the new book series by Veronica Roth. Divergent, Convergent and I guess Allegiant comes out soon. I bought the first two books a few months ago and I didn't know when I would get around to reading them. This PRABE gives me a good opportunity.

So I started reading Divergent and I need to just stick with it. It started to confuse me. In the beginning we meet the main character Beatrice Prior.  For some reason they have only one mirror and it is normally covered up. They start talking about how Beatrice was born into the Abnegation fraction and she has a brother Caleb. Beatrice doesn't seem to like to be in that fraction?
Now that Beatrice is 16 she will take a test to show what faction she belongs in and then be able to choose her faction. This choice is FOREVER.

In chapter 2 the aptitude test starts and it tells you what fraction you fit in the best with. You can choose what it says or you can choose a different one. No one gets to see how they do on the test. Beatrice waits for her turn and she was born in the Abnegation family but she doesn't think she fits. She then meets this girl Tori who is a Dauntless. So the test starts and it is in like a virtual reality where she chooses what to do. For example she comes up on a dangerous dog, does she give it cheese, attack it with a knife, or does she play submissive so it wont attack her.

In chapter 3 the girl Tori that gave her the test is confused by her results. Beatrice starts to freak out because she doesn't want to be fractionless.  They told her she had three options Abnegation, Dauntless, and Erudite. Since she is some of all this means she is Divergent. So then she has to choose which fraction she will choose. Tori tells her to keep her Divergence super secret because it's super dangerous.

So this is about how far I got...super good but all the fractions are really confusing.

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