Sunday, October 27, 2013

Divergent Chapter 4-7

So I have been reading Divergent still and loving it. I start back with Chapter 4. Beatrice is back in the Abnegnation neighborhood and she starts to think if she wants to be there. She wishes she felt like she could be ok with just wearing grey and boring.  When her parents ask her how the test went she lies to them. Beatrice’s dad starts venting about his government job and how his coworker Marcus’s son Tobias left Abnegation fraction for Dauntless because Marcus was abusing him.

After the aptitude test is the choosing ceremony when 16-year olds have to choose their fraction. At the ceremony, each 16 year old gets cut and puts some blood in a bowl symbolizing one of the fractions. The bowls are filled with grey stones from Abnegation, water for Erudite, earth for Amity, lit coals for Dauntless, and glass for Candor.  

Marcus (Beatrice’s dad’s coworker) gives a speech about democracy and choice. Caleb goes before Beatrice and surprises everyone by choosing Erudite. So now Beatrice feels like she can't abandon her parents… but she chooses Dauntless anyway.

Chapter 7 starts after the choosing ceremony and Beatrice leaves with the Dauntless. She then starts the initiation into the Dauntless.  To get to their home, Beatrice has to jump on a moving train. Beatrice gets help from another transfer, a girl from Candor named Christina. They see another transfer not get on the train which means he's factionless. Then they have to jump off the moving train, which is initiation challenge 2. Beatrice helps Christina jump and another candidate misses the roof and falls and dies. Initiation challenge 3 is jumping from the roof into a big hole in the ground. Beatrice wants to show she can be brave, so she jumps first. At the bottom of the hole Beatrice meets Four, who is an important guy in Dauntless. He was impressed that she was brave enough to jump first. At the end of the chapter she gets to pick a new name and she chooses Tris. 

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