Thursday, June 6, 2013

Beautiful Creatures Finished

This week has been crazy! Three kids with pink eye that are stir crazy to be out and about. This mama is going a little nuts.  Earlier in the week, I traveled to Great Bend, KS where we will be relocating to later next month. We just accepted an offer on our house today!! Thankfully, when I travel it gives me plenty of time of uninterrupted reading time. That doesn't seem to happen very often. I am a night owl so when my entire family is sleeping I can go in the lobby and relax with my book. I finally was able to finish my book, Beautiful Creatures, by  Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl.

I really wanted to finish the book soon because the movie is releasing on DVD soon. The book ended up being pretty good. I am not sure yet if I will read the following books but I might. There are two other books that are part of the set. I did not enjoy this book as much as the last teen series I read, Divergent and Convergent by Veronica Roth but it was still entertaining. I always like to read books before they are movies.

To the summary, during a reenactment of the Civil War Battle of Honey Hill. Sarafine (Lena's mom) starts her plan to turn her daughter dark. If Lena goes Dark at sixteen, all her Light Caster relatives will die. If Lena goes Light, all her Dark relatives—will die. During the confrontation between Lena and her mom, Sarafine stabs Ethan. With Ethan dead at his girlfriend Lena's feet, (basically the same thing that happened to Lena's mom and her husband over a hundred years earlier). Lena repeats Genevieve's mistake and uses The Book of Moons to resurrect Ethan. In doing so, Lena goes unclaimed, and she seems to be both Light and Dark.  Ethan, meanwhile, is resurrected. Because Lena went unclaimed, Sarafine and the other Dark Casters live, setting up the sequel.

It sounds all very confusing but trying to summarize half a book into a few paragraphs is hard. I am looking forward to the movie. I have a feeling that the book will be a lot better than the movie.

Monday, June 3rd. 9:30-12:30

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