Sunday, December 1, 2013

Chapter 20-26

Looks like I forgot to post this last week? I had it but for some reason I didn’t copy it over from my word document. So this post will be double the information.
Chapter 20
Tris has to go through her fear simulation again which is messing her up giving her nightmares. This simulation she is drowning in a glass box and everyone is just ignoring her. Instead of drowning Tris breaks the glass which is not supposed to be possible in the simulation. Because she does this Four figures out that she is a divergent. He doesn’t tell her he knows that.
Tris goes to talk to Tori again about what happened in the simulation. Tori tells her that being Divergent means that she knows she's in a simulation and can change things. She also tells her if the Dauntless leaders find out they will kill her! The same thing happened to Tori’s brother and she knows he was murdered. So Tris thinks, is Divergent or he knows about Divergents.

Chapter 21
Four continues to put Tris through her fear simulations, including burning at the stake, drowning in the ocean, watching her family die, and shooting them. Four starts talking about his family and says he doesn't miss his family, which is a little strange.
Back in the dorm of the dauntless, the rankings are posted and Tris is number 1.  She is beating Peter because she gets out of her fear simulations so quickly. Peter attacks Tris, and tells her friends that she's just manipulating them by pretending to be weak. They may be friends, but they're still competing.
Tris’s friend Al, is ranked last and pretty down about being last. Tris decides to hang out with her Dauntless friends Uriah, Lynn, and Marlene. She goes out to get a drink and then gets attacked by Peter, Drew, and (her friend Al). They drag Tris to the chasm and dangle her over the railing. Peter starts to molest Tris, and Al resists and helps. Four comes and stops this by beating the heck out of Drew.

Chapter 22
Tris wakes up in Four's room, where he tells her that he beat Drew up after her attack.  He also tells her that her friend Al betrayed her and why. When Tris became stronger than him it made him feel weak. Four also tells her that she has to keep safe and when she gets a chance, she should destroy her enemies.
Chapter 23
That night, Tris stays in Four's room, and starts to realize she really likes Four. After the attack she pretends to be weak and scared by Peter's attack.
Four takes the initiates through the glass building above the Pit, to the place where they'll be tested in the final part of the initiation. They'll have to go through their fear landscape that's been built up for them from their simulations. Think of the worst obstacle course and that would be what this is. Everyone going through the obstacle course know they're in a simulation which might help.
When they all get back Al tries to apologize to Tris, but she tells him not to come near her again.

Chapter 24The next day, they find that Al has killed himself by jumping down the chasm. Tris feels bad since she basically told him she did not accept his apology. Eric gets up and gives a speech about how courageous Al was to go face death.
Four tries to talk to Tris and explains that he wasn't taunting Tris in earlier in the book in the knife throwing incident but that she's stronger when she's acting selflessly. He tells her that he wants to frighten her because fear makes her feel alive.

Chapter 25
At the beginning of the chapter Will, Christina, and Tris get new tattoos. Tris's tattoo this time is of the Abnegation symbol.
She sees Four and follows him to the fear landscape room. And he invites her into his fears so she can learn about him. He fears heights small spaces, shooting a woman and his abusive father (who is Marcus, the leader of Abnegation. This means that Four was born into Abnegation family, but transferred to Dauntless.
During the simulation she helps Four get out of all his fears. They call him four because he only has four fears.

Chapter 26
I love this chapter because four and Tris finally kiss. J  In the beginning on the chapter Tris and Four are walking hand-in-hand. Four tells her that his aptitude test came back Abnegation, not Divergent. She thought for sure he was Divergent. He believes that they are compatible. If he is Abignation and she is Dauntless, you can be brave and selfless at the same time.

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