Sunday, November 17, 2013

Chapter 16-19

Chapter 16
At the start of chapter 16 Tris starts to talk to Al and he basically spills his guts about how he has a crush on her. He gets frustrated because she doesn’t feel the same and it gets strange.  He talks about his family and how they wanted him to join dauntless.
Later they start talking about the test they had to take and of course Tris lies but her other friends from Candor can tell she is lying. Four comes in and tells them all the rankings and Tris is 6 out of 9 which she seems to be ok with. Peter and Molly are mad at their rankings.
After a little bit the number #1 ranked guy Edward gets stabbed in the eye which of course ruins everything for him. Causing him and his girlfriend to dropout making them fractionless.

Chapter 17
The team of Dauntless gets on a train and on the starts talking to a girl Shauna and Zeke who are also dauntless. They start zip lining and have a great time. When she gets home Al and Christina wonder where she has been and what she has been doing.

Chapter 18
So in chapter 18 the Dauntless have to do the second stage of initiation. It is a mental aptitude test. They do a simulation that makes you face your biggest fears. It is a private test with just Four and Tris. The next part uses a simulation serum and a transmitter is injected into her.  Her first hallucination she is in an empty field and is attacked by crows. Apparently you get to end your hallucination when you get your fear under control.
Four and Tris discuss fear and realize that the crows are just a symbol of something she is actually afraid of. Then they discuss Dauntless and how it used to be about courage, but now the leaders are more into cruelty. I guess this is why Eric is in charge of the new initiates, even though Four was ranked above him when they first started.

Chapter 19
Chapter 19 basically just talked about Molly and how she gets revenge on Tris for beating her by telling lies to a reporter that her parents abused her. Will prevents Tris from fighting her and they go get a tattoo instead. On the way home they run into drunk Dauntlless along with Four. He tells Tris she looks good. (I so hope they get together!)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Chapter 12 - 15

Chapter 12
At the beginning of chapter 12 they have to go on another field trip. This time it is a paintball challenge. Eric and Four are the two captains and they pick teams. Of course Four chooses Tris! Tris decides to climb a Ferris Wheel to see where the other team had their flag. Tris does see where the enemy team is.  On their way down, a piece of the ladder of the Ferris wheel comes off and Tris almost falls. So Four rescues her. Tris tells her team where the flag is located.

Chapter 13
Chapter 13 was pretty insane. Eric (the bad guy) is teaching them a lesson on knife throwing. Tris is really good at it but her friend Al is not at all. Eric decides to teach Al a lesson and starts throwing knifes at Al. Tris steps up and has him do it to her instead. Then it is Four’s turn and so he throws the knives, narrowly missing Tris. And Tris thinks he's trying to make her fail by teasing her.

Chapter 14This chapter starts with the day before Visiting Day. Tris trys on a bunch of clothes and they do not fit. Then she goes into the dormitory wearing just a towel, she gets bullied by Peter, Molly, and Drew. Peter grabs her towel away from her.
Next they go to the training room and Tris gets a chance to fight against Molly. Tris has been studying Molly's fighting technique so with that and the advice Four gave her Tris wins.

Chapter 15
Chapter 15 was a bigger chapter. It's Visiting Day when the parents come to see their kids. Tris is not expecting to see her family. Her mom actually comes though and she seems ok with her switching to Dauntlass. She tells Tris that she thinks Four is handsome.
The chapter also talks about Tris’s friends and their family, Christina, Will and Al. Tris’s Mom's final asks  Tris to find her brother in the Erudite compound and wants her to ask him about the simulation serum.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Chapter 8 -11 in Divergent

Chapter 8 started with Dauntless training. Four teaches them about guns and they learn to fights. She starts seeing PDA which is strange for her since it wasn’t allowed in her fraction. They go to lunch and then to boxing practice. Four keeps teaching them how to move quick when they are boxing. ( I think she has a crush on him) After the boxing training, Christina takes Tris to go shopping and to get makeup. Tris runs into Tori the girl that gave her the aptitude test and gives her a tattoo of three birds flying.

Chapter 9

The next day the fighting starts between the people in Dauntless. Tris’s friend Christina tell her that Peter, Molly and Drew are all bad news. Eric and Four have a conversation about what it means to be brave. Molly (the bad one) and Christina starts to fight but when Christina trys to give up Eric decides to make a lesson out of Christina. He tells her to go out over the railing and hang over the pit for five minutes. Tris wants too much to help her friend but she is afraid she will get in trouble.  They start cheering her on and Christina makes the five minutes.

Chapter 10

Tris wakes up from a nightmare about Christina hanging over the pit. Peter continues to be a jerk and writes “Stiff” on Tris’s bed when she is in the shower. Tris talks to Al and she basically doesn’t want to hurt anyone. On this day Tris has to fight Peter in the boxing ring. Everyone thinks she doesn’t have a chance and they are right. He knocks her out and puts her in the hospital. Tris wonders if her family will come visit her in the hospital.

Chapter 11

The next day the Dauntless initiates take a field trip to the fence around Chicago. Tris has another nightmare about Peter torturing her. After the train to the fence they see it guarded by Dauntless people with guns. They wonder what they are trying to keep out. They start examining the fence and then some farmers come through. Tris starts to talk to him and tells him she doesn’t really care to be happy. After that, Four tells Tris that in a fight she needs to attack first.