Sunday, May 26, 2013

PRABE Blog - I can teach my child to read

Here is the start of my PRABE blog. This happened at a great time because my sister-in-law just wrote a book. She started a parenting blog years ago and has thousands of viewers.

I can teach my child to read - Jenae Crowley

I just finished reading my sister's new book. I can not tell you how well-written an amazing this book is. Having three kids the same age and trying to teach them to read is a stressful undertaking. This book gives basic, simple and fun ways to teach your kids. It is a quick read and a must have for any parent that has a infant - school age child! Her book took me a little over an hour to read and went by super fast! A few of the things that stood out to me were the following:

 Rule 1 - If a book is based on a popular movie character or toy, it is probably not a high-quality piece of literature! 

I completely have a lot of these books at home expecially for the boys. They LOVE superheros and one way to get them interested in reading at night is to start off with a book that they WANT to read. Most of these books, as she said, are not very well written. I try and only read these books if I have too! 

Rule 3- Explore the Classics
 I am obsessed with the classics...I grew up on a lot of these same books and they still are my favorites. Caps for Sale, Where The Wild Things Are, Harry the Dirty Dog. I own as many classics as possible. As she said, these books will stand the test of time. My kids favorite book is Going on a Bear Hunt. I can understand why Jenae calls this a classic! 

Rule 5 - Use Begining Readers in moderation 

This is a good one for me to read. Since I am trying to get the kids to learn sight words I have really been pushing these Early Readers. They get very excited when they know a word on the page. The Bob Books are some of their favorite because they get a sense of accomplishment when they realize they know all the words on the page. I need to make sure that I do not only work with these but throw in some others. 

I also enjoyed the section 5 Teach your Child to read for meaning and comprehension. 

It was a good refresher to make sure when you are reading to ask questions, have the children infer and predict what might happen to the characters, having them summerize the book etc. Don't just read but teach! 

Section 10 about Classyifying books also was very interesting to me.

Making sure kids comprehend what they are reading. She also mentioned how with the new updated state standards in public schools about nonfiction texts. Under new standards children by fifth grade, informational or nonfiction texts will make up 50% of students reading and narritive fiction the other half. This seems crazy to me that the state is moving more to nonfiction books. I don't really understand this!

I could go on and on about how helpful I thought this book was. I think it is neat that this book came out at the same time I am taking this class. I am a very proud sister-in-law!

TIME READ: 1 hour -30 min  SATURDAY, May 25th 10-11:10